One such affidavit was signed by a fire lookout for the Forest Service. He was familiar with the Heber Wild Horse Territory and stated that over the years he had seen a band of horses in the Territory particularly around the Gentry lookout. He went on to say that while driving around on the forest roads he became familiar with one particular band he observed numerous times since the summer of 2000. The band stallion was a buckskin who usually had 7-8 mares with him. He said the band produced foals during each of the three years he had been observing them. He said the horses were unbranded and had no marks on them to indicate they were domestic.
During the fire two people of our Heber Wild Horses advocacy group were assisting in evacuating people and animals. One was able to get into the forest during her off time. She was excited to see Old Buck and his mare Sweet Suzanna in their usual territory on forest road 51.
Old Buck standing watch.