In June of 2015 the public lands ranchers in the Heber/Overgaard area had a rally to gather the troops in opposition to the Heber wild horse herd. Their keynote speaker was Arizona Department of Agriculture Director Mark Killian. So here we have yet another government agency that has ignored the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act and come out against the Heber wild horses, YOURS and MINE!
The following is a transcript from the video of AZ Dept of AG Director Mark Killian speaking at the Public Lands Rancher Rally and posted on Endangered Ranchers of Arizona June 12, 2015
“And the thing that’s most important for the ranchers right now is that the horse numbers go up they’re going to cut the number of cattle off these allotments. And if this continues on, pretty soon there won’t be any ranchers left on these allotments. It’ll be just like it is in Nevada where they’ve got hundreds of thousands of horses running all over the place creating all kinds of problems. And so we’re working with the Forest Service to see if we can’t find a solution. But ultimately in my opinion we’re going to have to go back into court and prove to the court that these horses are not original....
At that point the person who took the video ran out of memory for her camera but posted that Killian had finished that sentence by saying: “we have to go back to court to prove that these horses are feral horses, not original wild horses.”
There is no support for any argument that in order to prove the horses are protected as wild free-roaming, one must show a direct line to particular horses from any particular time.
Heber wild horses with leg barring. Photo was taken in July 2017.